Frequently Asked Questions: Actuarial Exam Support Program

When does the Actuarial Exam Support Program (AESP) take effect?  

As of May 1, 2024, any candidate who has taken an exam on January 1, 2024 or later, and meets the eligibility criteria, may apply to receive a refund and/or study material stipend from the AESP.

I received a score of 4 on my December 2023 exam. Can I still get reimbursed?  

Sorry, no. Only exams taken January 1, 2024 or later can be reimbursed through the AESP.  

Can still I apply for a reimbursement from the Needs-Based Exam Reimbursement Program?  

As of May 1, 2024, the AESP replaced the Needs-Based Exam Reimbursement Program. The AESP is an expanded version of the Needs-Based Exam Reimbursement Program, and candidates who previously met the eligibility criteria for the Needs-Based Exam Reimbursement Program are encouraged to apply for reimbursement through the AESP within 12 months of receipt of a qualifying exam score.   

Can still I apply for a reimbursement from the Diversity Exam Reimbursement Program?  

The Diversity Exam Reimbursement Program was sunset in December 2023. Candidates who sat for CAS or SOA credentialing requirements through December 31, 2023, will still be eligible to apply for a reimbursement through the Diversity Exam Reimbursement Program, with applications due by March 31, 2024. After March 31, 2024, candidates who took an exam prior to December 31, 2023 are encouraged to review the eligibility criteria for the AESP to determine if they can apply for reimbursement through that program. Applications to the AESP should be submitted within 12 months of receipt of a qualifying exam score.   

Who is eligible for the AESP exam reimbursement and/or study material stipend?  

This program is currently limited to students living in the United States or Canada, including asylum seekers and university students on an educational visa in the United States and Canda. This program is not designed for individuals employed full-time in an actuarial position.   

I live in a U.S. territory, would I qualify?  

Yes – as long as you received a qualifying score on your exam and meet at least one of the need-related eligibility criteria.  

I am fully-employed, but my employer does not provide exam reimbursement, can I apply?  

Yes, you would be eligible if your employer does not pay for any actuarial exams.  

I attend a college or university that administers its own exam reimbursement program. Can I still apply to the AESP?  

If you have already received reimbursement for exam fees through any other program, you may not apply for reimbursement through the AESP. While you may apply to the AESP if you have not already been reimbursed through another program, students that attend a college or university with a reimbursement program are encouraged to apply to your own schools’ program, to enable the CAS and SOA to provide support to a pipeline of candidates who do not have access to other financial support options.   

I have difficulty paying for exams, but I do not meet any of the specific need-related eligibility criteria listed on the AESP website. Can I still apply?  

The AESP aims to extend support to a broad range of candidates, ensuring equitable access to actuarial education and opportunities. Candidates who receive a qualifying score and meet the residency requirements, but do not meet one of the specific need-related circumstances listed on the AESP website are still encouraged to apply. These candidates should check “Other circumstances or barriers including those beyond financial need” on their application. You will be asked to provide a brief description, and reimbursement will be subject to review and approval.   

I passed my January 2024 (or later) exam. Can I still get a study material stipend for my next exam?  

Yes, please indicate your interest in receiving the stipend, and what material provider you will be using, on your application. Study material stipends may be used to purchase materials for your next exam or for an exam that you have failed and plan to retake.